St Michael the Archangel Saint 104
Luca Giordano
St Michael the Archangel 105
David Gerard
Angel Waits 111
Abbott Handerson Thayer
St Uriel Archangel Angel Catholic Saint
The Virgin Mary With Angels 102
William Adolphe Bouguereau
St MIchael St Gabriel St Raphael and St Uriel Archangel Angel Saint
St Michael the Archangel Saint 101
Guido Reni
Angel Waiting 19 century
Abbott Handerson Thayer
St Michael Slaying the Dragon 16th Century
Angel Annuciantion Golden Crown 105
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Angel Whispers - Les murmures del Amour William
Adolphe Bouguereau
Archangel Gabriel of the Annuciation
St Michael the Archangel and USA Flag 103
Hieronymus - Detail
The Virgin Mary With Angels 102 #1
William Adolphe Bouguereau
Angel Annunciation 101
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Angel Standing 104
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Angel Guardian Sitting 106
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Angel of the Annunciation
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Angel in Adoration 110
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Guardian Angel Waiting 107
Abbott Handerson Thayer